Travel maps made from Lego to document the places across the world in which my wife and I have visited. 5000+ bricks used for the European version. 1500+ bricks used for the Japan and Korea map. North America coming soon…
Lego Map: Travelling JapanApril 12th 2020 Lego Map: Exploring Europe
June 23rd 2019
DNA double helix model made from Lego with an estimated 600+ bricks
Lego DNA Double HelixDecember 23rd 2017
Lego themed wedding consisting of 4 vases, 68 roses, 16 thistles, 42 personalised mini-figure guests, 1 table plan and 13 large letters and 8 boxes of Lego! A total of 40,000+ Lego bricks were used in this build.
How to Build a Lego RoseOctober 1st 2017
Lego Wedding: The Big Day
December 12th 2016
Lego Minifigure Personalisation
October 2nd 2016
Lego Rose & Thistle Vase Completion
July 23rd 2016
Perfecting the Lego Rose
July 22nd 2016
Experimental Lego Flower Design
July 13th 2016
Lego Engagement Ring Box
July 10th 2016